This series begins on October 24, 2024 and meets every Thursday, excluding Thanksgiving, from 4-5pm through December 19, 2024. Please arrive a few minutes prior to class to ensure a prompt start time.
Becca is excited to offer a dedicated 8-week series exploring the magic of dance and how to bring dance into your everyday. We will explore floorwork and the art of falling, understanding our natural folding and unfolding, and practices to bring your body into a parasympathetic space.
We will set intentions before every class and those desires/needs will be heard and catered to!
Becca offers this class with a prayer that your body, your breath, and your ability to embody your needs and for all to feel strong and supported. May we set the intention together to deepen our relationship to our bodies through the healing powers of dance…may it seep into our bones and wiggle all our cells towards health, healing, and a joyfulness of being alive!
Please note outdoor shoes are not allowed on dance floor surface. Barefoot and/or a preferred dancing shoe are recommended. No props are necessary, show up as you are!
Registration includes all 8 weeks of this series for $120. If you have any further questions, you may contact Becca